- Kaspersky Lab: Kaspersky Internet Security Multi-Device e-license; for 1, 3, 5 or 10 devices; the duration of the 1 license is the year or 2 years
- Description: Internet Security Multi-Device is designed for both the home user and small businesses and organizations that want to securely protect their data on the computer. Anti-theft protection for smartphones and tablets.
- Other: One license for Win PC, Mac and Android devices. All security features Kaspersky Anti-Virus + additionally: provides secure online banking and shopping, prevents online crime, parental controls
- Number of devices: 1, 3, 5, 10
- License Duration: 1 year, 2 years
- Product code: KL1941OCAFS (1 device, 1 year); KL1941OCADS (1 device, 2 years); KL1941OCCFS (3 devices, 1 year); KL1941OCCDS (3 devices, 2 years); KL1941OCEFS (5 devices, 1 year); KL1941OCEDS (5 devices, 2 years); KL1941XCKFS (10 devices, 1 year); KL1941XCKDS (10 devices, 2 years);
- Availability: out of stock